Friday, April 13, 2012

Remodeling the blog


Today is Friday the 13th, my lucky day :) After being infinitely lazy, I figured I'll renovate my blog and make some major changes to the layout and the content (instead of studying for my exam right now- A sneaky new way to procrastinate). I don't want to just share interesting content through my blog anymore. I want to create it! Even if my blog might not reach a wider audience this way, I know I'll be happier if I stick to what I truly love- short stories.What's more important than doing what you love?

But I'll also share interesting things when I feel that urge to share rather than create (possibly due to laziness). One more change: I'll be blogging once a week- this is going to be my goal! No more, no less.

Thanks to all those new and old loyal followers and comments- they inspired me to get back to blogging.

Happy Friday! 


  1. I was going to get one of those "I'm lazy" buttons, but I couldn't be bothered. Good luck in your exam!

  2. Cool! loved the new look. Would be lovely to read from you more often. All the best with your exams.

  3. I was wondering where u were all these days... gr8 to know ur back with a bang! loved ur new look!

  4. Good luck with the exams....and good to have you back blogging :)

  5. Oh procrastination, makes us do many things. My blog actually was created out of who knew it would end up that way. Too bad I forgot about it for some time before coming back.

    So welcome back.

  6. Friday the 13th is a good day then. Your ideas to create are an inspiration.

  7. I must have missed your return post and the subsequent one when they came across my blogger board...sorry about that...Anyway, welcome back... :)


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